Press Coverage

Simone Aïda Baur has been featured in many national and international publications.

On this page you will find editorials and interviews about Simone, her design projects, and her design award in the British Virgin Islands.

Invitations from the press and media are very welcome. Simone loves sharing her passion and expertise with fellow design enthusiasts. She also writes interior design articles for magazines and newspapers. You can read her articles here.


Glamizine Barbados: Designs that ‘Feel Like Home

Stylish Spaces of the Year Award

Vegan FTA

Simone Aïda Baur, Doing Vegan Activism with Interior Design

Caribbean Fortress magazine cover

Caribbean Fortress Magazine, Jamaica - Business of Design


5 Tipps für die Wohngestaltung

L’OFFICIEL Schweiz (D), Contributors

Stylish Spaces Awards Night

Introducing Member Simone Aïda Baur of Global Inspirations Design

Editorial project feature 'Warm und Kalt'

Interior Design Consultation with Global Inspirations Design

Home Design Inspiration

Our Interview with Simone from Global Inspirations Design

Raffinierte Tipps für das perfekte Interior Design

Gemütlichkeit ist stimmiges Zusammenspiel von kleinen Details

Editorial project feature 'Mit Charme'

Globale Inspirationen einer Schweizer Innenarchitektin

spectrooms Fachmagazin für Innenarchitektur und Design

Das grosse Fest der Innenarchitektur: WID World Interiors Day 2018

Gemeinsam statt einsam

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