Below you will find interviews and contributions to expert rounds, as well as articles Simone has written for magazines, newspapers and blogs on the subject of interior design and hotel design.
If you are a magazine or newspaper editor or a blog owner looking for a freelance interior design journalist for contributions related to interior design in general and hotel interior design in particular, then please get in touch.
Simone writes in English and in German.
Articles and Contributions

Innenarchitektin Simone Aïda Baur testet das Arcona Living Schaffhausen

About the Swiss and their obsession with white walls

The Art of Feeling at Home Anywhere in the World

Auf Händen Getragen

Eine Reise durch die Epochen

Eine Oase über Zürich

Eine Oase der Ruhe inmitten der Stadt

Abenteuer und Luxus auf 2112m

5 Home Decorating Tips

Alt ist in

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